Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ridder Orthodontics Reminding You To Enter the Invisalign Teen Choice Sweepstakes!

We wanted to share this Invisalign Teen Choice Sweepstakes information with everyone. The sweepstakes are from now until July 11th, and you could even win a trip to the Teen Choice 2010, along with several other great prizes. We encourage you to check it out!

Friday, June 11, 2010

When Are Two Phases of Treatment Necessary?

Usually patients in orthodontic treatment already have their permanent teeth – they are pre-teens, teens and adults. But in some cases we have to start treatment earlier, even before the patient’s permanent teeth come in. We call this “two-phase treatment.”

When we have patients with clear developmental problems at an early age, it’s best to start work when they are young, before the problems get bigger and more difficult to treat.

Examples include:
• An upper or lower jaw that is not growing correctly
• A mouth growing in a way that doesn’t leave enough room for all the permanent teeth to come in
• A severe malocclusion, or bad bite, which means the jaw doesn’t fit together correctly

In these cases we will start early and do one round of treatment – phase one – while the patient still has their baby teeth. Phase one usually does not involve braces, but can include a different type of appliance that helps the jaw grow into place properly. We’ll follow up with phase two usually a few years later, when permanent teeth are in place. Generally phase two involves standard braces.

In order to catch early problems, we recommend that children have an orthodontic check-up no later than age seven (and so does the American Association of Orthodontists). However, if your dentist or pediatrician sees any sign that early treatment might be necessary, he or she may recommend your child visit our office even sooner. Questions? Schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Ridder today!

--Ridder Orthodontics, Orthodontist Keller TX

Friday, June 4, 2010

June--The National Smile Month

Can you believe that it is already June?

Dr. Ridder and the team are excited to tell you June marks National Smile Month, a great time to remind our patients (whether in braces or not) to brush, floss, practice good nutrition at home (and over the summer) to avoid cavities and gum disease, among other dental health issues.

Here are a few easy steps you can improve your oral health at home:

* Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
* Floss everyday to clean between your teeth and braces
* Reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks during orthodontic treatment.
* Visit your general dentist regularly (usually every six months apart).

If you have questions about any of the tips here, we encourage you to give us a call at 817-380-5325! We hope you had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend!

-- Ridder Orthodontics of Keller, TX

Friday, May 28, 2010

What do you love about Ridder Orthodontics?

From your very first visit to Ridder Orthodontics, We strive to provide superior treatment in a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. We thought we’d ask you, our wonderful patients: What did you think about your experience? Did our team go out of their way to make your day? Are you in love with your new smile?

Whether you’ve just come in for a consultation or your family has been visiting our office for years, we’d love to hear your feedback. Or, you can tell us by posting on our Facebook page or by giving us a call!

Thank you,
Dr. Ridder & Team

Friday, May 21, 2010

Celebrities get braces, too!

Did you know that back in 2002, Tom Cruise had braces? During this time, he was 40 years old and filmed Minority Report, Austin Powers in Goldmember and the Last Samurai. Check out his smile in Jerry Maguire, Rain Man or The Firm and compare to the post-braces Tom Cruise in Valkyrie or Tropic Thunder. The fact is, movie stars need to look their best for the silver screen, and it wouldn't be possible without orthodontists like Dr. Ridder!

In fact, lots of Hollywood stars have had orthodontic treatment. Check out this slideshow of famous faces. If you’ve thought about getting the perfect smile you’ve always wanted, please give Ridder Orthodontics a call at 817-380-5325.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Enter the AAO Video Scholarship Contest!

We have some exciting news to share with all of our patients this Friday. The American Association of Orthodontists, which Dr. Ridder is a member of, is offering a $2,500 academic scholarship to two lucky winners of their "How Orthodontics Changed My Life" video contest.

All patients at Ridder Orthodontics 18 years of age or younger are eligible to enter, and entries are due by June 1st! You can learn more about the contest on the AAO's web site, but here are a few subjects to think about while making your video:

• What were you like before you had orthodontic treatment? How have you changed?
• How proud are you of your new smile?
• When did you notice changes in yourself? What kinds of changes have you noticed?
• What does your new smile mean to you?
• What would you say to others whose smiles make them self-conscious?

This is a great opportunity and we encourage you to enter. GOOD LUCK!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ask Dr. Ridder: Is Invisalign® really customized for each patient?

Yes, it is, and that’s part of what makes it work, says Dr. Ridder. To find out if you are the right candidate for Invisalign treatment, the first thing we do is to take an impression of your teeth as they are now and digitize it. Using special software, we look at the current positioning of your teeth and compare it to the way your teeth should look.

Next we use special software to map out the exact path your teeth will take from the beginning of your treatment to the end. Based on the results, a set of custom aligners are created just for your teeth. Throughout the course of treatment, you will be required to wear these clear, removable aligners one at a time; each one moving your teeth closer and closer to their final, perfectly aligned position. The best thing about it all? Nobody around you will even know you are wearing braces!

Dr. Ridder is a certified Invisalign provider. If you have questions about Invisalign, or would like to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign treatment, please give us a call.